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Friday, April 26, 2013

Is the world getting lazier??

The world’s once richest and now lingering somewhere in the top three once said if he was to employ a person to do a job, he would choose a lazy person because he would find the easiest way to do it. Bill Gates consciously or unconsciously inspired a lot of lazy people, and they would later return the favor. It has always been said that necessity is the mother of invention but nobody ever said anything about what causes innovations, my theory: laziness.
   The things invented show the need for need for their presence. The innovations are just pure laziness. A wise man invented a plow to help him crack the hard ground faster, the lazy man added a seat to it, another wise man invented a wheel to transport goods with ease, the lazy man still found a way to add a seat  to it. The steam engine followed the same fate, invented in the industrial revolution to transport goods and some lazy guy still found a way to add thousands of seats to it as the space for goods grew smaller, enough with the seats though; I believe I have stressed that point enough. On to the other lazy innovations that we hail today. A wise Chinese man invented paper, another wise man sat down and invented the printing press, the lazy man sat down and decided mankind should not suffer the burden of hard copper buttons and decided to make them plastic, then came the emails, and here we are today, but am not done yet. Look at the multimedia industry, radios replacing the newspapers, then televisions brought to replace radios and the  phones, invented for communication, now they play music and do online shopping.
      It seems the world is demanding more for ways to make life fun and easier instead of work easier. The difference is in whether or not the improvement bears productivity; take for example the invention of bulbs, largely for people to work better in the dark, today they are used for the opposite, fun at night. Steel invented for heavy duty constructions is being used for construction of watches and the computers invented for work are being improved each day to do less work and more play, let’s face it we are the laziest generation to have ever roamed this earth and we can’t blame the scientists for we are the ones who heap the pressure on what we term “necessities”.
      Then came the monster called the internet, invented still for productivity, look at what the innovators have done with it, am sure they are proud of their work.  They deserve a good pat on the back for changing the meaning of friends and followers. One went as far as adding the word "unfriend" to the dictionary. It was obvious some people were tired of visiting friends, or even too lazy to socialize. Then came the sister in crime, the computer, changing the meaning of games with videos games breaking entertainment product sales records time and again.
Despite all that has been said we have to love our generation because we may have invested in innovations but they do make life worth living. But i couldn't leave without announcing the laziest invention/innovation of all time;
Mr Eugene J Polley you take the crown prize for coming up with the remote control, anybody can see you were tired of walking to your television and pressing the dial button and closely behind the guys who put seats on the plow to later name it a tractor.

The field of medicine is no exception; medicine that was invented to keep people sane is now being used to drive people literally insane. I can't possibly exhaust the extent of our laziness but am sure you can come up with more examples.
And with that i rest my case, yes the world is getting lazier and coming up with better word for the laziness and unless people start pressing for inventions, we will only keep getting lazy a*s innovations!!