Ever noticed how the person you backbite starts avoiding
you? The person you hate starts disliking you, the cat you insult stops coming
when you call it and the first facial expression you make when you wake up in
the morning ends up defining your day? Well I have come up with a theory for
this. One I have false-confidently labeled “The Bubble Gum Effect”.
Just like bubble gum, the world as we know seems to be interconnected and the effect shows in everything we do. It may change shape but it all volumes down to the fact that we are all made of atoms that combine to give us shape and function.
Just like bubble gum, the world as we know seems to be interconnected and the effect shows in everything we do. It may change shape but it all volumes down to the fact that we are all made of atoms that combine to give us shape and function.
Well I personally, am tired of it because it can be a real
pain in the pajamas. For starters a lot of couples start having problems when
they start spreading lies about each other. They become distant and grow cold. This
is even before they discover the lies being spread. Yes guilt play
a part in it but only after the seeds of distrust have been planted can it cause
any real damage.
Theory #1
This is because we are made out of the same material.
Curiosity! ….Ahem, I mean Soil!
Same Soil! Just like bubble gum, we are all made out of the same ingredients, and the more we stretch away from each other the weaker the link becomes. Sure you can bring the two edges back together but the gum will never go back to its previous shape.
Same Soil! Just like bubble gum, we are all made out of the same ingredients, and the more we stretch away from each other the weaker the link becomes. Sure you can bring the two edges back together but the gum will never go back to its previous shape.
For such a transformation to
occur we would need the molder of the gum to destroy the old one remold it as
he created it, which in most cases is never among the choices we consider to
mend the hypothetical bubble gum relationship.
Theory #2
For anyone who has read the bible, you know that it teaches about the
power of the tongue and how speech triggers effects that spread like a wild fire. But if that is the case then how do you explain the fact
even our mere thoughts affect how people relate with us. Well the answer is
But the bubble gum effect comes
with a lot of positives.
1) It
lets us know when someone is in trouble: Ever had a mini vision while doing
something and immediately rebuked it? And on other side of the coin, ever been
in serious trouble and it magically disappears without you even praying about
it? Yep bubble gum effect.
2) It
lets us know when to pray: It’s always been advised, when you wake up in the
middle of the night, say a quick prayer before going back to bed. On the flip
side, say a prayer every morning as you start your day and hand all things to
3) It
lets us know the people we care about are hurting even before they say
anything: Most of the times a loved one
is hurting it creates a ripple effect that spreads in every direction with the closest
people feeling it first.
4) It lets us know how to treat others: Believe it
or not, all creatures have empathy encrypted in their DNA. If you doubt that
maybe you should pay more attention to the real“Animal Planet”
And once again i lay my theory to rest, Knowing that the next time you stick a pellet into your mouth, you shall remember it defines you life.
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