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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pride, the necessary evil

 Life is a journey, and we are the travellers. The destination? You decide.  So there's this creature called pride. Everyone has it obviously though some choose to deny it existance. Paradoxically making them even more proud than they care to admit.
  But then you put your brains to the test, imagine the world for a minute , everyone being submissive to each other. What a bore it would be!! The movies would be horrible, the music would be a total rip off, thats if we were somehow able to buy them after everyone else had got a copy. And worse!! We wouldn't have news! I repeat , we wouldn't have news! (wait scrap that, we are already there)
 Don't think i would want to live in such a world. But then imagine the worst case scenario, a world where everyone wears their pride on their foreheads. Sticking out like a red rose in a black and white movie.

  Well you are out of luck because that's actually the world of today. Can't say i hate it, because then we would have all dozzed through history lessons. I mean. i imagine Napoleon hadn't stood up to the rest of Europe, all we would have studied was how they sat at a table, drank some tea , and called it a day. Pride can be good, it gets things done, however too much of anything is always bad. So when you get alittle too proud for your own self to bare, you stop listening and start hearing, you are never late but delayed, you don't give excuses, you tend to call them reasons, and when someone tries to advise you, the only think you are thinking is what are you going to say when they are done making that vague sound.
  Everybody to an extent  is like this, though this doesn't nake it right. If we could just tone it down abit, to a rather more healthy level. A point where it meets integrity, a point where we feel pride in the things we did that brought change, this world would be a much better place to live in.
 I quote from a self-help commercial on tv:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Get a blog or die trying...... literally

The first  time you hear about writting a blog, you are confused about why one would want to post an opnion that could him killed over the internet. Then you think about it, if the people who live with him had failed to exterminate him, what are the odds of getting killed by people who you don't know. Sadly, it's that kind of thinkning that is responsible for the increase in type 2 diabetes in society today. People spend half their lives feeding on sugar-cotted facts, because everyone wants to hear the truth, and no one wants to hear  the facts.

The truth is alittle more individualistic than the facts. The truth is a stew of one's knowledge, opinion and you may even throw in the mood of a person to act as the seasonings. The facts however stand indepent of the truth, the facts depending on the mood or personal traits may even rub off as blowing one's horn or being rude.
 This actually makes it hard to speak to sarcastic people, they just never speak the truth! To the contrary, hey envelope their facts in jokes that sting as you laugh along.
Take for example;
“I consider conversations with people to be mind exercises, but I don't want to pull a muscle, so I stretch a lot. That's why I'm constantly either rolling my eyes or yawning.”
Jarod Kintz, It Occurred to Me 

but just before you kill him, remember he is just telling the facts
  So the next time you want to kill a blogger for speaking out the facts , maybe you should reconsider because the truth understands, the facts hurt. And we the sarcastic people have to sholder the blame for speaking the facts.
   And for the record , the truth i wrote about facts, which only makes this blog the truth, because i wrote a fact to sugarcot my facts,.. confused yet? No? Well it takes two to tango, welcome to my world!!

Monday, February 11, 2013

My Maiden Blog

   I know what you're thinking, who the hell would name his blog site "link-the-nid", well first of all i should point out that its been long since i wrote something sensible. No kidding, look at Facebook and twitter, the only people getting retweets or likes are those updating the silliest of updates. Everyone has been fooled to believing the only things they should post should be silly. This actually reminds me of  a certain time  i was doing my routine home-refresh-like-comment exercise on Facebook, le me stumbles upon an update, a highschool classmate updates her status;
   name withheld "Oh my God, i think i just broke a nail, and its moving"

So le me decided to comment, so i start typing to catch the first comment slots *super speed typing*
#done : *le me looks back at the screen*
    name withheld "Oh my God, i think i just broke a nail, and its moving"
    12like 2comments 2shares 1minute ago
    name withheld "hahaha bit it!!!" 2likes
    linkthenid        "nails can't move" delete?

Then it hit me , my comment was surely misplaced , so i tried to correct my error , i reached for the mouse, to click delete, the screen froze , i could swear an option kill yourself appeared on the screen, i sweated blood. In what could have been the longest 10 seconds of my life, 1 hour later  the screen finally unfroze so i clicked delete and it was gone , so hopping i had solved the error i refreshed the page :

   name withheld "Oh my God, i think i just broke a nail, and its moving"
    22like 2comments 12shares 2minutes ago
    name withheld1 "hahaha bit it!!!" 2likes
    name withheld2 "@name withheld1 silly"
    name withheld3 "take a picture!! take a picture!!"

She later went on to post the picture, it had so much traffic , facebook had to delete it

Well that explains the mystery of the rolling nail.
DISCLAIMER: some scenes comments, reactions and thoughts have been drammatised , editted and inaccurately compiled to suit the demands of social media *wink wink*