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Monday, February 11, 2013

My Maiden Blog

   I know what you're thinking, who the hell would name his blog site "link-the-nid", well first of all i should point out that its been long since i wrote something sensible. No kidding, look at Facebook and twitter, the only people getting retweets or likes are those updating the silliest of updates. Everyone has been fooled to believing the only things they should post should be silly. This actually reminds me of  a certain time  i was doing my routine home-refresh-like-comment exercise on Facebook, le me stumbles upon an update, a highschool classmate updates her status;
   name withheld "Oh my God, i think i just broke a nail, and its moving"

So le me decided to comment, so i start typing to catch the first comment slots *super speed typing*
#done : *le me looks back at the screen*
    name withheld "Oh my God, i think i just broke a nail, and its moving"
    12like 2comments 2shares 1minute ago
    name withheld "hahaha bit it!!!" 2likes
    linkthenid        "nails can't move" delete?

Then it hit me , my comment was surely misplaced , so i tried to correct my error , i reached for the mouse, to click delete, the screen froze , i could swear an option kill yourself appeared on the screen, i sweated blood. In what could have been the longest 10 seconds of my life, 1 hour later  the screen finally unfroze so i clicked delete and it was gone , so hopping i had solved the error i refreshed the page :

   name withheld "Oh my God, i think i just broke a nail, and its moving"
    22like 2comments 12shares 2minutes ago
    name withheld1 "hahaha bit it!!!" 2likes
    name withheld2 "@name withheld1 silly"
    name withheld3 "take a picture!! take a picture!!"

She later went on to post the picture, it had so much traffic , facebook had to delete it

Well that explains the mystery of the rolling nail.
DISCLAIMER: some scenes comments, reactions and thoughts have been drammatised , editted and inaccurately compiled to suit the demands of social media *wink wink*

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